Taking cash out of your limited company A limited company is a separate entity in the eyes of the law, just like an individual person. This means that you cannot simply take money out of a limited company account like it was your own personal bank account. All finances legally belong to […]
Charities can receive up to £4,000 in extra Gift Aid with the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme. The Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) allows charities to claim a Gift-Aid style repayment to be received on small cash donations of £20 or less up to a threshold of £8,000 of donated income […]
The chancellor announced some budget changes last autumn and to get you prepared for the 2018/2019 tax year, we highlight a few of the significant changes that will impact most employers and businesses. Increase in national minimum wage and national living wage The government is increasing the National Minimum and National […]
The Autumn Budget 2017 included a few changes to tax and NI limits for the 2018/19 income tax year and here is what you should know: Tax code changes The amount you can earn tax free (the personal allowance threshold) has increased by £350 to £11,850 (£11,500 for 2017/18 tax year). […]